Room Description

  • Standard Room

    The hotel offers a budget bargain by offering a comfortable and relaxing stay. The non-ac room comes equipped with services like hot/cold running water, attached bathroom with provision of extra toiletries if needed and a television.null

  • Deluxe Room

    Luxurious and cozy double beds, attached bathroom and television are all what?s needed and all that is provided by the hotel in its deluxe rooms. It is a well decorated has a warm vibrancy that is immediately welcoming to the guests. The room also features amenities like TV, laundry services, wardrobe space, seperate living area and a bifuracated bath and shower area and the helpful and polite staff provide for 24- hour room service.

  • Super Deluxe Room

    The rooms relaxing décor and calming influence gives it a roomier feel. Decked up in warm mahogany colors and designer bedding adds to its charm. The room comes furnished with a TV and attached bathroom with hot water availability around the clock, makeup mirror, smoking rooms and reading lamps.

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